The Cave of the Saints

Kenneth Rose
1 min readDec 28, 2020

A spiritual novel on Amazon

Downhearted grad student Armin Thoms is drawn intuitively toward a cave carved into a cliff behind a café where he has been working on his thesis. In the Cave of the Saints, he encounters mysteriously appearing saints and deities who initiate him into enlivening spiritual practices such as the Tree of the Heart, the Flame of Golden Light, Touching the Face of Brahman, Seeing Like the Divine Mother, Feeling with the Innermost Self, Becoming Eyeless While Seeing, the Purple Flame, and the Uncarved Stone.

Summoned by intuition, the shapeshifting spiritual adept Dona Poireau arrives at the cave to show Armin how to practice these visionary teachings. Through startling changes of perspective initiated by Dona and the saints, Armin overcomes his doubts and enters into the ancient spiritual wisdom of humanity.

Join Armin Thoms and his guide Dona Poireau on a journey to self-awakening in the presence of the saints and deities who teach newly revealed spiritual practices in the Cave of the Saints.

It’s available in paperback and as an ebook at

and in many other Amazon marketplaces.

Enjoy reading!

Kenneth Rose



Kenneth Rose

Kenneth Rose, Ph.D., author, speaker, and professor of philosophy and religion. Specializes in comparative religion and comparative mysticism and spirituality.