Wisdom from World Religions

Kenneth Rose
2 min readJan 11, 2024

In 2017 I was awarded a $215,000 grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF) to produce a free online course on world religions in light of a book by the noted financier and philanthropist Sir John Templeton. The name of the book is Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth (Philadelphia and London: Templeton Foundation Press, 2002).

Along with my team, I produced an online course using a powerful LMS (learning-management system, which allowed us to give the course on two occasions to around 1500 students across the globe.

I am posting the overview video produced by Now You Know Media (now Learn25) and the syllabus (plan) for the course. The course contains 54 videos, and I will begin posting them here on Substack over the next weeks.

Wisdom from World Religions Overview Video (Youtube link)

To get a sense of what’s coming, I am uploading a modified version of the course plan (syllabus).

More of my writing in written and spoken form is available on Amazon.

Disclaimers © 2018–2023 Kenneth Rose. Excluding quoted material from other copyrighted, public domain, Creative Commons materials and proprietary material owned by Accord LMS, Now You Know Media, the Templeton World Charity Foundation, and the Graduate Theological Union. All rights reserved. Permission to include excerpts from Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways Toward Heaven on Earth © 2002 Templeton Foundation Press has been granted by the Templeton Foundation Press. All rights reserved. Wisdom from World Religions was a grant-funded project from the Templeton World Charity Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc. The Wisdom from World Religions global open online course was offered in partnership with the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, California, a unique multi-religious consortium for the graduate study of religion featuring more than 20 member schools, centers, and institutes. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Graduate Theological Union.

Originally published at https://kenrose51.substack.com.



Kenneth Rose

Kenneth Rose, Ph.D., author, speaker, and professor of philosophy and religion. Specializes in comparative religion and comparative mysticism and spirituality.